Ninja Space Content Tech Blog

Browsing Archive: August, 2020

My website URL was blocked on facebook for over a year

Posted by Ninja Space Content on Monday, August 17, 2020, In : Social Media 
Today, I received a surprise gift. Facebook has no longer marked one of my URLs as fraudulent or spam and now I can share that particular URL (not referring to this very one that you're currently at) on Facebook again. They had blocked that URL for over a year! I still have no idea why it happened for a year and I had consistently filled out their form to say that my website is not a spam website and it's a legitimate mom blog. I have over 1,700 likers on this particular Facebook page that's ...
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About Ninja Space Content

Ninja Space Content I have been building simple websites on my own since 2008 and currently run several websites at the moment, including this one. I used to be an account manager for an affiliate/e-commerce company, helping affiliates grow their sales so I have some knowledge on the business side and client side of affiliate marketing. During the Covid-19 pandemic, I completed a JavaScript coding bootcamp and graduated in Dec 2020. I've been working as a contractor for a few software companies ever since.
Note: links to resources and promoting special deals may allow me to earn a small commission from each sale.