Ninja Space Content Tech Blog

Showing Tag: "learning angular" (Show all posts)

Week Nine of Learning Angular

Posted by Ninja Space Content on Wednesday, August 4, 2021, In : angular 
Oh my goodness, I am so tired this morning. I only had 2 hours of sleep!

My contracting work is slow this week so I am getting back to Learning Angular with Mosh (self-paced tutorial) again. I am 34% of the way. I know you're probably wondering why it is taking me so long to finish! As mentioned in my other weekly blog recaps with learning notes for Angular, it's because it takes me a long time to debug version differences as I am running a new version of Angular, whereas Mosh's tutorial is te...
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Week Eight of Learning Angular

Posted by Ninja Space Content on Sunday, July 11, 2021, In : angular 
This is my Week 8 of learning Angular. Sorry, I went off track for awhile. It's been 2 months since I wrote up my notes for Week 7. (See all of my learning notes for Angular.) I picked up a contract job towards the end of May and that had been my focus. This week I am focusing on error handling in Angular.

  1. Use onInit method to call http services and constructor should not call http services. Oninit is a lifestyle hook. When we use the ng onInit method, we tell the compiler about it.
  2. We want to ...

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Week Seven of Learning Angular

Posted by Ninja Space Content on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, In : angular 
I'm officially 30% through Programming with Mosh' Angular tutorial! This week I am learning to pull data using http services with Angular. Read my week-to-week down notes and thoughts as I am learning Angular through an online self-pace tutorial.

I'm already encountering version errors at the beginning. Firstly, HttpModule cannot be imported from @angular/http as it has been deprecated and here are the changes I had to make!

In Mosh' tutorial, he started out with instructing that we need to add...
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Week Six of Learning Angular

Posted by Ninja Space Content on Wednesday, April 21, 2021, In : angular 
This week, I am going to be taking notes on reactive forms in Angular. Reactive forms is where you explicitly create the forms that's more complex, like implementing async validation.

Reactive Forms
In order to use formControlName, you'll need to import ReactiveFormsModule to the array on imports in the app.module.ts file. Then, it'll automatically add it as an import to the top of that page like so: 
import { FormsModule, ReactiveFormsModule } from '@angular/forms';
There was a bug that I ...
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Week Five of Learning Angular

Posted by Ninja Space Content on Sunday, April 11, 2021, In : angular 
I am now getting into forms using the Programming with Mosh's Angular Tutorial. I'm in my 5th week of learning Angular and focusing this blog entry on the introduction to forms and narrowing in on Template-driven Forms. Click here to see my weekly breakdown of learning Angular.

In Angular, it is a requirement to write a div with a class of form-group for any forms like so:

 <div class="form-group">
    <label for="firstName"></label>
    <input id="firstName" type="text" class="form-control...

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Week Four of Learning Angular

Posted by Ninja Space Content on Monday, April 5, 2021, In : angular 
I'm on week 4 of learning Angular now! To see my weekly break down on learning Angular, go to Angular Blogs' List. What I'm realizing is that because I am note taking and coding along the way, a 5 minute video tutorial could easily have me spending 15 minutes to digest the material before moving onto the next video clip! If there is an unforeseen bug, it would take even longer. So make sure you allot enough time in between if you're studying the same way I am.

Using ng-content property
Use ng-c...
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Week Two of Learning Angular Part 1

Posted by Ninja Space Content on Monday, March 22, 2021, In : angular 
I'm officially on my Week Two of Learning Angular. Click here to see Week One. I'm finding that as I'm noting all of these while I'm learning, it's helping me immensely and I hope it'll help you. I decided to purchase Mosh's Angular Tutorial for $15. It seems like a great deal for 30 hours of tutorial and I don't have to waste time weeding through materials and watching in between ads from Youtube.

To make a class a component, you have to add the decorator at the top like import {Com...
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Week One of Learning Angular

Posted by Ninja Space Content on Saturday, March 20, 2021, In : angular 
I decided to start learning Angular and TypeScript this week. I looked at a 2 hour YouTube video by Programming with Mosh to get a good glimpse at it before I started practicing along. After looking at the video in normal speed for 2 hours (I would speed it up if I am going over it again), without getting my hands in code on VSC, I was really intimidated by my first tutorial on Angular. However, it also reminded me of Java, using interfaces, classes and constructors. Besides for looking at a ...
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About Ninja Space Content

Ninja Space Content I have been building simple websites on my own since 2008 and currently run several websites at the moment, including this one. I used to be an account manager for an affiliate/e-commerce company, helping affiliates grow their sales so I have some knowledge on the business side and client side of affiliate marketing. During the Covid-19 pandemic, I completed a JavaScript coding bootcamp and graduated in Dec 2020. I've been working as a contractor for a few software companies ever since.
Note: links to resources and promoting special deals may allow me to earn a small commission from each sale.