Updated a React App to Use Vite and Yarn
Posted by Ninja Space Content on Thursday, January 23, 2025 Under: react
In : react
Tags: react app to vite and yarn updating old react app to work quickly
Today for 3 hours in the middle of the night between 2AM - 5AM, I was on a mission to update my react app to use Vite!
I had to use about 3 different resources to get my app to render correctly. In the past, I've only mainly used npm commands and had never used yarn or Vite before so I've beefed up my stack today!import ReactDOM from "react-dom/client";
Then, at the end of my index.jsx file, I had to make sure I rendered it like this:
const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById('root'));
After I was able to get the components showing, I wanted to update my Godaddy Cpanel to reflect the changes that I made immediately. I knew that if I waited for the next day, I might not get to it until way later.
Because I had uploaded a React App on Cpanel before, I only had to change 3 files that were located in the Build folder after I had built it out with the 'yarn build' command! What a night, err...almost morning now! I will have to delete my old files later from the 'public html' directory on Cpanel. I'm currently curious if it'll affect how my pages are served with those old file names still in the directory. However, I'll wait a couple of days before removing them.
Here's another great resource on how to use Godaddy to deploy an app: https://dev.to/crishanks/deploy-host-your-react-app-with-cpanel-in-under-5-minutes-4mf6
In : react
Ninja Space Content |
California |
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